Collyer’s Careers Programme
Collyer’s is committed to equipping students with high-quality, specialist advice and guidance which enables them to make informed choices about their career and progression routes.
Meet the Progression Team
- The Directors of Progression are responsible for the design and delivery of Collyer’s Careers Programme, which aims to equip students with the information, advice and guidance needed to make informed and aspirational decisions about the future.
- Progression support is built into our tutorial programme with half termly ‘focus’ weeks.
- Students access initial guidance through 1-1 meetings with their Tutors and Heads of House who help them form a progression pathway through sixth form and beyond.
- Subject teachers include subject specific progression information and experiences, ensuring that students’ careers planning is enhanced by their programme of study.
- Vice Principal Andrea John has oversight of Student Progression at Collyer’s.
Collyer’s maps the Careers Programme to the Gatsby benchmarks, following the guidance set out in the Career Development Institute Careers Development Framework 2021 and the Statutory careers guidance and access for education and training providers 2023.
1. A stable careers programme |
2. Learning from career and labour market information |
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil |
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers |
5. Encounters with employers and employees |
6. Experiences of workplaces |
7. Encounters with further and higher education |
8. Personal guidance |
Provider access + information for training providers
- Collyer’s adheres to Provider Access Legislation. Our PAL Policy can be viewed here.
- If you are an FE or training provider and wish to enquire about our post 18 information events, please contact Rebecca Adams, Director of Progression (Careers & Employability): or Ian McAlister, Director of Progression (Higher Education):
Next review: Spring 2026 by SMT