Careers Programme information for students

All students have access to:

  •  A highly structured programme of Progression events, activities and information which inspires students to strive towards aspirational careers goals.
  • Careers Advice via meetings with Julie Crysell, our Level 7 qualified Careers Advisor.
  • The Unifrog platform which provides careers information, psychometric testing tools, labour market information, support with progression choices and applications to Higher Education & Apprenticeships.
  • Dedicated Careers and H.E SharePoint sites, offering a comprehensive range of progression related guidance materials, events, activities and Work Experience (WEX) opportunities.
  • The library helpdesk, college bulletin, tutorial notices and Student Common Room; all of which advertise progression events and signpost sources of support.
  • Work Experience (WEX) as a college requirement for all Transition & 1A students during the summer term. Sarah Tillier, our Work Experience Co-ordinator, is available to support students and signpost them to WEX sources.
  • A wide range of Careers related enrichment events and activities within our Collyer’s 360 programme
  • Careers and H.E. information evenings.
  • Subject related guest speakers, visits to workplaces and careers fairs.
  • Careers Profiles of College Alumni which can be accessed here


*Careers & Progression information, advice and guidance is provided at each stage of a students’ journey through Collyer’s

Individual and group visits to Collyer’sTours, specialist advice, meet & greet, subject Q&AYear 113  4  8
Collyer’s visits to schoolsProspectus, individual presentations, Q&A, post 16 options eveningsYear 7, 8, 9, 103  7
School based careers eventsProspectus, individual presentations, Q&AYear 114  8
School assembliesProspectus, individual presentations, Q&AYear 114  8
Open EveningsSMT Lectures, college tours, subject Q&AYear 10,113  8
Application interviewIndividual programme of study & career aim discussionYear 113  8
Welcome DayWelcome students to college, subject taster lessons, introduction to additional supportYear 113  8
Welcome Day specialist lecturesSpecialist presentation, advice regarding subject choices for Early UCAS (Medics, Vets, Oxbridge) & Level 2Year 113  8
Enrolment interviewFace to face discussion with student & appropriate staffYear 113  8
(for students on the 1-year Level 2 programme)






Progress Review meetingsOne-to-one discussions, curriculum progress, next stepsALL3
Work Readiness lessonsTransferable employability skills, awareness of progression routes, labour market information, CV & application writingALL2  3
Guest SpeakersEngagement with subject related employers & employees, whole college guest speaker eventsALL2  4  5
Visits to workplacesSubject visits to places of workALL2  4  5  6
Enrichment Activities
(Collyer’s 360)
Progression-related activities provided as part of the 360 offerALL3  4  5
Unifrog introductionEnrolment, personality & interests profile, careers libraryALL2  3  4
Careers InterviewTargeted one-to-one interview with a careers advisor (Level 7 qualified)Autumn2  3  8
National Apprenticeship & Careers WeeksVirtual & in-person guest speakers, taster sessions, encounters with employers & employeesSpring2  3  5
Transition interviewsIndividual programme of study & career aim discussion with tutor/Head of HouseSummer3  8
Work Experience WeekIn person and virtual WEX. Engagement with places of work, employers & employeesSummer2  5  6






Progress Review meetingsOne-to-one discussions, curriculum progress, next stepsALL3
Guest SpeakersSubject related employer/employee engagement
Whole college guest speaker events
ALL2  4  5
Visits to workplacesSubject visits to places of workALL2  4  5  6
Early UCAS support lecturesUniversity lectures & workshops for Early UCAS (Medics, Vets, Oxbridge) including one-to-one adviceALL3  7  8
Apprenticeship provider eventsGuest speakers, apprenticeships promotionsALL2  3  5
Young EnterpriseDevelopment of college company, entrepreneurship, engagement with business advisorALL2  5
Enrichment Activities
(Collyer’s 360)
Progression-related activities provided as part of the 360 offerALL3  4  5
Unifrog introductionEnrolment, personality & interests profile, careers libraryALL2  3  4
Careers InterviewOne-to-one interviews, group & drop-in advice with a careers advisor (Level 7 qualified)Autumn2  3  8
Visual Arts portfolio workshops & lecturesLectures, advice & workshopsAutumn3  4  7
Next Steps: Careers: Guest Panel and Careers FairApprenticeships, traineeships, non-H.E progression routes, encounters with employers & employeesSpring2  3  6
National Apprenticeship & Careers WeeksVirtual & in-person guest speakers, taster sessions, encounters with employers & employeesSpring2  3  5
UCAS Exhibition tripEngagement with university representativesSummer3  7
Next Steps: Higher EducationInternal and external guest speakers, UCAS application proceduresSummer3  7
Transfer interviews & 2A enrolmentIndividual programme of study discussion with tutor/Head of HouseSummer3  8
Work Experience (WEX) WeekIn person, virtual WEX, Collyer’s Internship
Engagement with workplaces, employers & employees
Summer2  5  6
Festival of ScienceSTEM H.E & non-H.E progression routes, encounters with
employers/employees and H.E providers
Summer2  3  4  5  6  7
Arts Careers FairH.E & non-H.E progression routes, encounters with employers/employees and H.E providersSummer2  3  4  5  6  7
National apprenticeships enrolment & search workshopASK Apprenticeship programme deliverySummer2  3  5
Challenge of ManagementEmployer engagement, mock assessment centre tasksSummer3  5






Progress Review meetingsOne-to-one discussions, curriculum progress, next stepsALL3
UCAS support workshopsIndividual advice, university lecturesALL3  7  8
UnifrogPersonal statements, CVs, university choices, apprenticeship information, international universitiesALL3  7  8
Guest speakersSubject related employer & employee engagement.Whole college guest speaker eventsALL2  4  5
Visits to workplaces & H.ESubject visits to places of work and H.E institutesALL2  4  5  6
Apprenticeship provider eventsGuest speakers, apprenticeships promotionsALL2  3  5
Young Enterprise (Collyer’s 360)Development of college company, entrepreneurship, engagement with business advisorALL2  5
Enrichment Activities
(Collyer’s 360)
Progression-related activities provided as part of the 360 offerALL3  4  5
Visual Arts portfolio workshops & lecturesLectures, advice & workshopsAutumn3  4  7
Higher Education mock interviews (Early UCAS)Individual mock interviewsAutumn3  7
Apprenticeships application workshopASK Apprenticeship programme deliveryAutumn2  3  5
National Apprenticeship & Careers WeeksVirtual & in-person guest speakers, taster sessions, encounters with employers & employeesSpring2  3  5
Mock assessment centre workshopASK Apprenticeship programme deliverySpring2  3  5
Higher Education mock interviewsIndividual mock interviewsSpring3  7
Medical Mock InterviewsGroup & individual assessment centre practiceSpring2  3  4