
The Sustainability Committee was formed in 2020 as part of our new college strategic plan 2020-23 which includes a strategic objective to ‘develop our college campus in an environmentally conscious way that raises awareness’. Comprising key staff, students and the programme manager for climate change and environmental initiatives at Horsham District Council, the committee meets termly as well as taking forward various initiatives outside these meetings.

Through close collaboration with the local council, environmental groups and community as well as fellow FE Sussex colleges, we are committed to following the Climate Action Roadmap agreed by the Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education in June 2020 to become a Leading College for Sustainability by 2023.

Over the next year or two there will be more exciting additions to the college website and announcements about new initiatives. We would welcome communications from any members of the local community who would like to propose ideas or pledge support to this activity.

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