News ‘Dream Team Tour’ 09.11.2022
Collyer’s Student Ambassadors, nicknamed the “Dream Team”, are visiting schools and colleges across the region this autumn, to help year 10 and 11 pupils make informed choices about their futures and what Collyer’s can offer them in 2023. The students, who joined the college from schools all over the south east, are studying subjects right across the broad range of levels and academic and vocational subjects offered at Collyer’s and each share a passion to help the next generation to understand the road into further education at the one of country’s leading sixth form colleges.
Rhi Weston-Smith, who has presented at an assembly and supported post 16 evenings, said: “Being an ambassador is our opportunity to give something back. We’re really enjoying our time at Collyer’s and feel that young people in the area thinking about where to go after leaving school deserve the chance to find out more about the sixth form college route from the students’ viewpoint.”
Jess Howells said: “I was an ambassador at my previous school, St Oscar Romero in Worthing, and know that if I were back in year 10 or 11, I would have really appreciated the help and advice we offer.”
Collyer’s Director of Admissions, Richard Rothwell said: “Who better to ask about Collyer’s than the students who actually attend the college?!”
Much of the early focus of the of Ambassadors has been visiting schools’ Post 16 Advice and Guidance Evenings and speaking at assemblies, to motivate students to actively think about their futures. The work has been building towards the Collyer’s Open Evenings, which take place at the college on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th November.
Collyer’s Deputy Principal, Steve Martell, said: “We are extremely grateful to our “Dream Team” of Ambassadors for volunteering to help with the class of 2023. It’s wonderful to hear that they’ve all had such a great experience at Collyer’s that they want to spread the word right across the region!”
Kayshale Suganthan added: “Being part of the Ambassadorial Team is an important responsibility and a fantastic chance to inspire young people to look forward to their education at our college.”