A Guided Tour of Arundel
Where: Arundel
When: Sunday 9th June
Time: 11.15am
Cost: £12.50 per person
This year’s summer reunion is a guided tour of Arundel led by new OCA Committee member David Simmonds. This will be held on Sunday 9th June starting at 11.15am and take 3-4 hours including lunch and refreshments. The itinerary will be as follows:
Meet at 11.15 a.m. by the ruins of the Maison Dieu, by the bridge. We will then proceed at a leisurely place to the town square.
From here we will take in half of Tarrant Street, up Bakers Arms Hill, Maltravers Street and The Cut to London Road.
Here, we pay a visit the Parish Church and Catholic Cathedral.
On to The St Mary’s Gate Inn (adjacent to the Cathedral) for a light lunch.
Then head down King Street, School Lane and the other half of Tarrant Street, Arun Street and River Road to the Town Quay.
We finish with a cup of coffee and a hosted tour at Arundel Museum.
Please note: The walk covers approximately 2 miles; and includes 2 quite steep, but relatively short, ascents.
The cost is £12.50 per person but lunch and drinks are not included in the price and will be extra on the day.
To book, you will need to either make a bank transfer to:
Sort code –601117
Account no. – 62146556
And send an email confirmation to our Treasurer stewart.mackman@gmail.com
Or alternatively send a cheque (made out to the Old Collyerians’Association) to Stewart Mackman at 23, Bens Acre, Horsham, RH13 6LW.
Please ensure you include your name, address and email address in with the cheque.