Ian Moore

BA (Hons) Media Studies
Best-selling author/Stand Up Comedian

I studied A Levels in History, English and Economics at Collyer’s from 1987-1989. I remember Collyer’s fondly; they were good times. I met my wife there so how could they not be? I did feel we were not always treated as adults by some of the staff and while parts of the place felt very old-fashioned, others were not, and the relationships formed at the time with other students still exist today. I also won a History prize in my final year here.

I went on to study a BA in Media Studies but really, I wanted to go into the film industry and so I made a poor higher education choice at the time. I was briefly a scriptwriter for corporate and training videos and then became a professional stand-up comedian in 1997, occupying a unique position in British comedy. I have appeared on TV and Radio many times, most recently on BBC’s Richard Osman’s House of Games. Other TV appearances include The Comedy Store on Channel 5 and Comedy Central and BT Sport’s The Football’s On. I think the last time I had a proper job was when I was at Collyer’s, and I worked at Tesco’s.

I had my first novel, ‘Death and Croissants,’ published in 2021 and that was closely followed by ‘Death and Fromage’. I am now a best-selling author as well as a compere hosting corporate awards, a columnist, Blogger and Podcaster.

I love my work and every day for me is different otherwise I would stagnate and so I am grateful for the variety of my work, which includes making chutney in my home in France.

To get into a similar role my advice is do not hesitate, just do it. I have never taken traditional routes because I do something that is ‘outside the norm.’ The world of work changes so quickly, find an area you enjoy and pursue it until it is yours.

Looking back, the advice I would give to a younger self is stop trying so hard. In every sense, not just professionally, or academically but socially too.

What next Ian? Writing until I die, I hope. What I am doing now is what I dreamed of doing when I first moved to France 17 years ago.